Fertility Lifestyle

Lee Bladon 5:55 pm

Fertility Lifestyle

Lifestyle changes to improve fertility

Your Lifestyle Affects Your Fertility

Many factors can contribute to fertility issues. Individually, each one may not have much of an effect, but collectively they do, just like the straw that broke the camel’s back. Research indicates that positive lifestyle changes, including: diet, supplements, toxin reduction, exercise and stress management can improve fertility outcomes. Simple lifestyle changes can support conception, a healthy pregnancy, and reduce miscarriages.

Remember, your body knows exactly what to do, and will probably do so when the conditions are right. But, if any aspect of your system is stressed or out of balance, it can have a detrimental effect on your fertility. This is because non-vital body systems, such as the reproductive system, are usually the first to get shut down when your system is facing bigger challenges.

It’s important to remember that lifestyle changes take about 3 months to have an effect. This is because sperm cells and egg cells take about 3 months to grow and mature.

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Fertility Lifestyle

Toxin Reduction

Lifestyle changes, such as moderating your alcohol and caffeine consumption, and quitting smoking or vaping, can positively affect your fertility and reproductive health:

  • Caffeine affects sperm motility in men. And in women, it is linked with difficulties conceiving, miscarriages and DNA abnormalities.
  • Alcohol is the most socially acceptable drug and is commonly used to manage stress. However, with men it can adversely affect sperm morphology (shape) and motility (swimming). And with women it can impact egg quality, ovulation and increase the risk of miscarriages, abnormalities and still-births. Men should reduce their intake to 3 drinks (pints or glasses of wine) a week, and women should abstain completely.
  • Smoking affects men’s fertility more than women’s. Men who smoke have lower sperm counts, poor motility and more malformed sperm. Nicotine is toxic, reduces blood flow, and because it blocks the absorption of vitamins and minerals, it leads to increased free-radicals, which can result in sperm DNA defragmentation.
  • Vaping fluids contain chemicals that can affect the reproductive system and hormone levels.
  • Marijuana lowers testosterone levels and impacts sperm morphology and motility.
  • Steroids are used by some men to enhance their strength and physique, but they are incredible damaging to sperm.
  • Perfume & Aftershave should be avoided because most synthetic fragrances contain phthalates, which are endocrine disruptors that affect hormones and fertility.
  • Bisphenol A (BPA) is found in most plastic bottles and the lining of drinks cans and take-away coffee cups. It is an endocrine disruptor that upsets the body’s hormone balance so can adversely affect fertility. So please try to avoid drinks in these disposable containers.
  • Pesticides in Produce (fruits, vegetables and grains) are detrimental to fertility. Please refer to our Fertility Nutrition page for further details.

Please refer to our webpage on Toxin Reduction for further information.

Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Nutrition & Supplements

Nutrition: Our webpage on Fertility Nutrition contains lots of information on what to eat if you want to improve your fertility. But getting people to change their diet is as difficult as getting them to stop smoking or drinking, so here the most important suggestions:

  • Eat More: Vegetables (organic or washed), Salmon (not farmed), Lean meat, Eggs, Dairy, Lentils, Chickpeas, Nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil nuts), Pumpkin seeds.
  • Eat Less: Soya (tofu, edamame beans), Fast food, High-sugar foods (e.g. low-fat snacks), Foods with long ingredients lists (shorter = more natural).

Supplements: Our webpage on Fertility Supplements contains lots of information about which ones can help to improve your fertility. But if you are only going to take one fertility supplement, we suggest Proxceed Men, which supports sperm count and quality, and Proxceed Inositol Women, which supports hormone balance and ovulation.

Exercise & Weight

Exercise: Too much exercise or the wrong type of exercise, can be detrimental to fertility, particularly sperm production and ovulation. Too little exercise isn’t good for you either… moderation is the key word.

  • Women should avoid endurance running and excessive use of gym equipment. Walking, Jogging, Swimming, Yoga or Pilates are recommended instead.
  • Men should avoid endurance running, excessive weight training, body building and excessive cycling. These type of exercise increase heat in the testicles (affecting sperm production) and divert testosterone to building muscles instead of sperm production. Walking, Jogging, Swimming or light use of cardiovascular gym equipment are recommended instead.

Weight: Obesity can negatively impact fertility in both men and women, as can being underweight. Weight management, through good nutrition and regular exercise, is therefore important to ensure optimal fertility.

  • Women: Excess body weight can disrupt hormone balance (oestrogen in particular), leading to irregular menstrual cycles, ovulation issues, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and an increased risk of pregnancy complications.
  • Men: Obesity is linked to lower testosterone levels, reduced sperm quality, and sperm DNA damage, all of which are detrimental to male fertility.

Lifestyle Changes for Fertility

Electromagnetic Radiation (Mobile Phones)

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from mobile phones and Wi-Fi routers has been shown to have a negative effect on male fertility, particularly sperm quality and sperm DNA fragmentation. Radiation from mobile phones may be more impactful when devices are kept in the front pockets, in close proximity to the testicles, and the more we use our phones, the greater the damage.

A 2020 study concluded that “Human spermatozoa exposed to EMR emitted by mobile phones had reduced motility, structural anomalies, and increased oxidative stress due to the production of ROS (reactive oxygen species). Scrotal hyperthermia and increased oxidative stress might be the key mechanisms by which EMR affects male fertility.”

A 2023 study discovered that “Higher mobile phone use is associated with lower sperm concentration and TSC (total sperm count).”

A 2013 study found that “Sperm DNA fragmentation [is] significantly altered in the subjects who use the mobile phone for more than 4 hours/day and in particular for those who use the device in the pocket of the trousers.”

A 2018 study showed that “Exposure to cell phones, microwave ovens, laptops or Wi-Fi produces deleterious effects on the testes, which may affect sperm count, morphology, motility, and increased DNA damage.”

So, men should NOT keep their mobile phone in their front trouser pocket for long periods of time. Put it on a table when you are sitting down, carry it in a different pocket, or invest in a Radiation Blocker to reduce EMR exposure to the testicles.

Research suggests that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones may also affect egg quality in women. The studies were only conducted on rats and mice, but there is no reason to assume human eggs wouldn’t be similarly affected.

Other Fertility Lifestyle Considerations

  • Contraceptive Pills: It can take several months for the body, hormones and monthly cycle to find their natural balance after years on the pill.
  • Testicular Heat: The testicles work best when they are 1°C below normal body temperature, which is why they hang below the torso. They can cope with being in pants and trousers, but it’s best to avoid activities that keep them hot for extended periods of time, such as prolonged exercise, hot baths, saunas and steam rooms. Also, don’t use a laptop computer on your lap for any length of time.
  • Men Cycling: Bike saddles restrict the blood flow to the testicles which isn’t good for sperm production, so try to limit your time in the saddle. And remember, sperm cells take 2 or 3 months to grow and mature, so the benefits won’t be immediate.
  • Stress: Stress isn’t just a consequence of fertility issues; it can actually contribute to fertility issues, especially in women. Stress is particularly bad for female fertility because because Progesterone (a vital fertility hormone) gets converted into Cortisol (the stress hormone). So, getting stressed reduces your progesterone levels, which reduces your fertility. Please refer to our Stress Management and Rapid Fertility Therapy pages for further info.

When & How To Have Sex

Healthy sperm can survive for 3 to 7 days in good cervical mucus, so you only need to have sex every 2 or 3 days during the fertile window (3 days before ovulation to 1 day after). This helps to alleviate the pressure of perfectly timed intercourse, and allows you to bring some intimacy and magic back into the bedroom, which is important when trying to create a wonderful new life.

The missionary position and doggy style are the most effective sexual positions when trying to conceive. It helps if the woman lies on her back for 10 or 15 minutes after ejaculation to allow the sperm to swim through the cervix. But the most important thing is to relax and enjoy it, because getting anxious or stressed when trying to conceive reduces your chances of success.

When To Have Sex

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