Rapid Fertility Therapy

Lee Bladon 8:46 pm

Rapid Fertility Therapy

To reduce negativity and increase positivity

Rapid Fertility Therapy

The path to parenthood begins with hopes and dreams, but many face unexpected challenges along the way. Fertility issues are mentally and emotionally taxing, impacting individuals and couples in a variety of ways, including stress, negativity, disillusionment and depression. These psychological responses also have physiological effects which can adversely affect fertility.

The disappointment and anguish experienced each month you don’t conceive increases your desperation and the pressure to succeed next month. This perpetual cycle of hope and despair can be incredibly stressful and exhausting. Rapid Fertility Therapy can help to break this vicious cycle by reducing your tendency to become stressed and depressed, and by instilling a more positive outlook.

Rapid Fertility Therapy Lincolnshire

The Psychology of Infertility

Fertility issues can evoke a wide range of psychological challenges and create a complex mental and emotional landscape. It’s essential to recognise and address these thoughts and feelings to maintain psychological and physiological wellbeing throughout the fertility journey:

  • Stress: Stress is the enemy of fertility, because isn’t just a consequence of fertility issues; it can actually contribute to fertility issues. The mechanism behind this will be explained below, along with an effective ways of reducing it.
  • Negativity: Negativity can easily seep into the hearts and minds of those facing fertility issues. It manifests as self-doubt, self-blame, and always expecting the worst, which can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.
  • Disillusionment: Fertility issues are mentally and emotionally challenging, and disillusionment can grow as initial hopes and dreams clash with the cold hard reality of your situation. This seemingly impassable chasm between your dreams and your reality can leave you feeling helpless and hopeless.
  • Depression: Long-term fertility issues can result in depression, as unfulfilled dreams, repeated disappointments, and the uncertainty of success gradually takes its toll. If you are at this stage, it’s important to seek professional support, because depression is bad for your fertility and your general wellbeing – and you can’t put a price on either of those!

Negative statements, such as “We’ve been trying for a baby for ages but it just doesn’t happen” aren’t helpful because past failures are being used to confirm your present doubts and limiting beliefs. A more positive statement would be “We’re going for a baby sometime this/next year.”

Psychology of Infertility

Stress and Fertility

Highly stressed people tend to have a higher incidence of infertility because stress and anxiety raise cortisol levels. Prolonged stress and elevated cortisol levels can disrupt the reproductive hormones and interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system:

  • Women: High cortisol levels can cause oestrogen imbalances and progesterone deficiencies, which can result in irregular menstrual cycles and even anovulation, where the ovaries don’t release eggs.
  • Men: High cortisol levels can lower testosterone levels, which can adversely affect sperm quality and motility.
  • Couples: When both halves of a couple have high cortisol due to stress or anxiety, the chances of successful conception are greatly reduced.

The role that stress plays in fertility issues should not be underestimated, and managing stress is vitally important for anyone on the fertility journey. Rapid fertility therapy can help with this, and so can the breathing techniques and free guided mediations (audio downloads) on our Stress Relief page.

Stress and Fertility

Cortisol and Fertility

Stress is extra bad for female fertility because its causes Progesterone (a vital fertility hormone) to be converted into Cortisol:

Progesterone >>> 17-HydroxyProgesterone >>> 11-DeoxyCortisol >>> Cortisol

So, getting stressed about your fertility issues actively reduces your progesterone level, which reduces your fertility even more. This vicious cycle needs to be broken, as a priority, if you want to improve your fertility and chances of successfully conceiving. Rapid Fertility Therapy can help to reduce stress, anxiety, disappointment and desperation, and break this cycle.

Cortisol and Fertility

What is Rapid Fertility Therapy?

Rapid Fertility Therapy (RFT) is a neuroscience-based process that helps to reduce the stress, anxiety, disappointment and desperation that are often associated with fertility issues. It works in a unique way by neutralising psychological triggers before they reach the part of the brain (the limbic system) that activates the negative emotional response.

RFT works at the subconscious level to rapidly change the way the brain responds to certain triggers or situations. In simple terms, it rewires the mind – not all of it, just in relation to fertility. It’s designed to bring about changes in automatic responses that we don’t have conscious control over.

More specifically, Rapid Fertility Therapy replaces the negative feelings (associated with failed conception) with positive feelings (associated with successful conception). This not only reduces the negative feelings associated with each failed conception, but also instils the positive belief, deep into your subconscious, that successfully conceiving is a real possibility.

What is rapid fertility therapy

What is a Rapid Fertility Therapy Session Like?

Rapid Fertility Therapy can bring about rapid changes and improvements in mental and emotional wellbeing. It helps to reduce the negative feelings associated with failed conceptions, and increase the belief that conception is a real possibility.

RFT sessions are 60 minutes long and are conducted via video call (Zoom or WhatsApp). One session is usually all that is required to reduce negativity and increase positivity. It doesn’t involve hypnosis – you remain fully conscious and in control during the session. You simply need to listen while I read some instructions to you, and do your best to follow. However, the process is specially designed so your conscious mind can’t quite keep up. This allows the subconscious

Rapid Fertility Therapy involves you creating a couple of scenes in your mind, and mentally cycling though them as you follow the instructions that Lee reads to you quickly. The instructions are read quickly so your conscious mind (neo-cortex) can’t quite keep up, but your subconscious mind (basal brain) can follow along, so your sub-conscious mind gets rewired with positivity to replace its previous negativity.

Rapid Fertility Therapy Session

In Summary

Stress-related disruptions of fertility hormones can create a vicious cycle that further reduces fertility. Fertility issues cause stress, which, in turn, impacts fertility. Breaking this cycle is essential for improving fertility outcomes. Rapid Fertility Therapy can rapidly reduce stress, anxiety, disappointment and desperation, but these factors must be carefully managed throughout your fertility journey. Our webpage on Stress Management provides a number of free resources, including breathing techniques and guided meditations that can help you with this.

Nurturing your mental health on the fertility journey is not only essential for your wellbeing, it also plays a significant role in fertility outcomes. Understanding the relationship between stress and fertility hormones underlines the importance of stress management and mental health support. Whether through counselling, therapy, self-care practices, or lifestyle adjustments, prioritising mental health is a valuable investment on the path to parenthood. By addressing stress, depression, negativity and disillusionment, individuals on the fertility journey can navigate the challenges with resilience, hope and a healthier outlook.

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