
Lee Bladon 7:00 am

Fertility Therapies

The holistic approach to fertility and conception

Fertility Therapies to Support Conception

Are you struggling to get pregnant, naturally or assisted? Do you have a hormone imbalance, irregular cycles, ovulation issues, endometriosis, PCOS, poor sperm quality, or maybe there’s nothing physically wrong (unexplained infertility)? Perhaps IVF has failed, or you’ve had a miscarriage? Whatever your fertility situation, we can help you through any physical, energetic, emotional and mental issues that may be reducing your chances of conception, either naturally or assisted (e.g. IUI, ICSI, IVF or GIFT).

Our philosophy is that your body naturally knows how to get pregnant, and if that isn’t happening, then your system is out of balance – physically, energetically, emotionally and/or mentally. Trying to force your body to get pregnant, when it’s not ready, with drugs and medical procedures isn’t necessarily the best approach. Instead, we can help you to heal and balance your entire being, and restore your body’s natural ability to get pregnant.

Improving your fertility is all about marginal gains – that’s lots of small improvements that add up to a significant improvement in your fertility. We can help you to look at every aspect of your lifestyle, including diet, supplements and toxins, and suggest changes you can make to significantly improve your fertility. We also offer a unique combination of powerful and effective therapeutic modalities, including fertility reflexology, energy healing, fertility counselling and rapid fertility therapy to optimise your entire system (body, energy, heart and mind) in preparation for conception.

We are based in Grantham, so can help individuals and couples in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and the surrounding areas. And if you aren’t based in the East Midlands, that’s OK, because we can provide most of our services remotely to anyone in the UK. Fertility Reflexology can only be conducted in person, in Grantham. Energy Healing can be conducted in person or remotely, via a video call. Fertility Counselling and Rapid Fertility Therapy are usually conducted via a video call (Zoom or WhatsApp), but can also be in person.

Successful Fertility Therapy
Victoria Willis
Lee Bladon

A Little Bit About Us

Fertility Therapies is run by Victoria Willis and Lee Bladon. Victoria has personal experience of infertility and IVF, which enabled her to conceive her first son. She then comprehensively improved her lifestyle and had some energy healing, which helped her to conceive her second son naturally. Then more recently, Lee’s therapeutic counselling helped her to process the root cause of her fertility issues, and his powerful energy healing rebalanced her system, which allowed her cycles to finally find their natural balance.

Victoria’s own fertility journey benefited enormously from energy healing, which led her to spend two years training in it herself. She has since trained in reflexology and fertility reflexology (reproflexology), which has made her an even more effective healer. Victoria has a big friendly heart and is incredibly knowledgeable about everything related to holistic health, natural cycles and fertility.

Lee is a naturally gifted therapist, counsellor and healer, with a calm energy and supportive nature. He has an empathic connection that allows him to feel into other people’s issues, and assist with their healing in ways most other therapists and healers can’t. Lee is also very scientifically minded and has good knowledge of nutrition, supplements and wellbeing.

When we realised our combined knowledge, skills and experience were perfect for fertility work, we decided to start Fertility Therapies together. Click the link to read more about Our Story.


Victoria is an excellent therapist, intuitive, respectful, gentle, communicative and gets results. She’s a powerhouse and I’d highly recommend her. I feel so grateful for all the work we’ve done together.”


​”After experiencing several sessions with Victoria I felt a tremendous sense of wellbeing. Victoria is approachable, and has a soothing personality which makes you feel instantly comfortable. Her unwinding process has assisted my body in removing the tension that builds up in day to day life. Very good for the soul, could not recommend her highly enough.”


“Since working with Lee, the transformations have been incredible. I used to suffer with crippling anxiety, which meant that I would have to cancel plans and sometimes not leave the house. I used to have polycystic ovaries, but now I have regular cycles and ovulate every month. I used to find taking a deep breath uncomfortable due to energetic blockages around my diaphragm, but now I actually enjoy filling my lungs without any discomfort. Working on patterns with my inner child and her beliefs, whilst being held in an incredibly safe space, has literally changed my life. I have never known healing like it… I just wish I had found him sooner.”


​”A warm, kind, open heart. Everything a therapist needs, and this is what you receive from Victoria. You will leave feeling calm, happy and loved. You won’t regret it.”


​”Victoria, just so you know, the value you provide is really priceless. It takes so much skill, time and energy. What you provide is worth so much more than what you charge. Not many can provide that kind of service.”


Victoria not only had a very natural gift for understanding her craft but she is also very easy to talk to and makes you feel at ease instantly. Victoria takes the time to explain the process and as someone who didn’t know a lot, felt she tailored it to meet my level of understanding. I feel great benefit from treatments myself. Highly recommended.”


“I worked with Lee for a few months, and it was nothing short of miraculous – I am a different person now. He helped me to tune into lots of stuff that had been going on inside me all my life, without my conscious awareness. I quickly realised that I wasn’t really in control of my life – these parts and patterns were controlling me. Experientially realising this provided some immediate relief, but deeply feeling into them, with his reassuring, supportive, healing presence, was really transformational.”


Victoria is a wonderful and gifted intuitive therapist. Kind, compassionate and empathic she always puts you at ease and helps you to release tensions in the body, emotions, mind and spirit. Highly recommend.”


“Thank you so much Victoria. Wow, the session was so powerful. You are truly gifted. I would like another session in a couple of weeks if that’s OK please. Again, truly grateful to you. You are an angel in human form!”


“Working with Lee has genuinely changed my life for the better. I can’t recommend him highly enough!”


Free Stuff

Free Resources

All of the information you need to understand your situation and improve your fertility is provided free of charge, here on this website:

Fertility Therapy East Midlands

Our Services

For individuals or couples who require personal healing and support, we offer a range of holistic fertility therapy programs, which you can subscribe to for as long as you wish (typically 3-6 months). We also offer standalone packages if don’t require all the therapies that our monthly programs provide.

Fertility Therapy Programs & Packages

We offer a selection of different programs and packages, which are outlined below. If you are interested in working with us, a detailed application form must be completed by both partners, because we need to understand your entire fertility situation before we can decide if and how we can help you. Please click one of the "Apply To Work With Us" buttons and complete our Application Form, then please ask your partner to do the same. We will contact you, usually within 1 working day, to agree the next steps and answer any questions you may have.

During your first session, we will spend some time going through the information on your application form. We may also give you some suggestions on how you can improve your improve your fertility through nutrition, supplements, toxin reduction and lifestyle changes. This discussion can be as brief or detailied as you like, but please ensure you have read our Free Resources section beforehand, and make a note of any questions you want to ask.

In-Person Fertility Therapies (near Grantham) 

Fertility Therapy Leicestershire

Complete Fertility Program

This monthly subscription includes:

2 x 30 minute double sessions with Victoria & Lee, combining Fertility Reflexology and Energy Healing.

2 x 60 minute private Fertility Counselling sessions with Lee.

One of your counselling sessions can be Rapid Fertility Therapy to reduce negativity and increase positivity.

Fertility Energy Healing

Double Healing Package

This stand-alone package includes:

6 x 30 minute double sessions with Victoria & Lee, combining Fertility Reflexology and Energy Healing.

This powerful healing package is perfect if you don't need the psychological support that our subscription programs offer.

The sessions may be used weekly or fortnightly.

Online Fertility Therapies (via Zoom or WhatsApp)

Fertility Therapies Online

Online Fertility Program

This monthly subscription includes:

2 x 30 minute private Energy Healing sessions with Lee on Zoom or WhatsApp.

2 x 60 minute private Fertility Counselling sessions with Lee on Zoom or WhatsApp.

One of your counselling sessions can be Rapid Fertility Therapy to reduce negativity and increase positivity.

Fertility Therapies Online Package

Online Flexible Package

This stand-alone package includes:

6 hours of private sessions with Lee on Zoom or WhatsApp for Energy Healing, Fertility Counselling or both.

12 x 30 minute sessions or 6 x 60 minute sessions (or a combination of the two). The sessions may be weekly or fortnightly.

One 60 minute session can be used for Rapid Fertility Therapy to reduce negativity and increase positivity.

Note: Fertility Counselling sessions are usually one to one, but if your relationship has become strained by your fertility issues, you may want one or two of your sessions to be used for couples counselling. This can help to promote communication, understanding, cooperation and support between you both during this challenging time.

Important: We primarily work during office hours only (8am to 6pm, weekdays), so you may need to take some time off work for your sessions. We have limited evening availability (6pm to 9pm) for online sessions. Weekend sessions are occasionally available but cost £20 extra each. Please read the Policies section of our Terms & Conditions page carefully to understand our policies on Applying to Work with Us, Payments & Subscriptions, Scheduling Sessions, Rescheduling, Late Arrivals, No-Shows, and Cancellations & Refunds.

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