Our Story

Lee Bladon 4:24 pm

Our Story

Victoria and Lee

Victoria’s Fertility Journey

I always wanted to have children and assumed it would be an easy process. A lot of my friends had fallen pregnant easily, so why should I be any different? I was told to “try” immediately after coming off the pill and was convinced I was pregnant that first month, courtesy of that all-too faint “is it there or not” pink line, which plagued me for the next four years.

Almost immediately after that first, relatively encouraging month, my cycles changed from the hormone-induced 28-day “norm” that I was used to from being on the pill. At this early stage, I had very little understanding about how the menstrual cycle worked, so to suddenly start having longer cycles was a cruel twist of fate, because I always thought a late period meant I was pregnant.

My GP was no use, and couldn’t really offer any answers. I had been charting my basal body temperature and showed the doctor the charts, which clearly showed I wasn’t having the usual spike in temperature that indicated I was ovulating. I had to do so much research, and I really wish I’d had access to a resource like this website back then.

We had private healthcare, so I was able to get a scan within six months, which confirmed I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). I was devastated at this news, and assumed I would never be able to conceive naturally. Nothing prepares you for being told you may not be able to get pregnant. Surely, we are all put on this planet to reproduce? So I felt like such a failure. My husband’s sperm count and mobility were within the normal ranges, so it really felt like it was “all my fault”. Clearly, being stressed and depressed wasn’t conducive to getting pregnant, as many well-meaning people kept telling me.

I looked into so many different options, and know how easy it is to desperately cling to every fragment of hope that the next supplement, procedure, treatment or therapy could get me that ever-elusive “pink line”. I had a laparoscopy to ensure my fallopian tubes were clear, and to remove some of the cysts. I was encouraged to take Clomid (clomiphene) for the next three months, but sadly that also proved unsuccessful. I started having acupuncture at this point, and taking herbs, along with folic acid and other random supplements, as my desperation grew.

To add insult to injury, my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer soon after I found out about the PCOS, which compounded my grief at being unable to bear a child. I was so consumed by the desire to become a mum, that I went into self-sabotage, and unbelievably, given my mother’s diagnosis, I started smoking again, along with copious amounts of alcohol. So, stress, depression, fear, cigarettes, alcohol and an auto-immune disease… hardly a perfect recipe for conception! My husband could have been more conscientious of his alcohol intake too, especially in the three months leading up to the transfer.

Needless to say, my first IVF cycle didn’t work, and neither did the subsequent frozen one. The clinic wasn’t very good at emotional support, and I felt like a rabbit in headlights, just pumping my body full of hormones with the vain hope that I would conceive.

But everything changed in early 2010, when I cleaned up my act regarding drinking and smoking, and had a shift in consciousness after reading “The Secret”. With my new-found positivity, I just knew with 100% certainty that my next IVF cycle would work.

I had one wobble following the transfer, where my breasts didn’t hurt as much as they had previously, but other than that I kept the faith. We waited until day 15 post-transfer to test, and thankfully we had a positive result, which culminated in my eldest son being born prematurely at 31 weeks. I had a placental abruption and started to bleed, which resulted in an emergency caesarean section. Fortunately he thrived after a period in SCBU and Intensive Care.

He struggled with birth trauma (commonly referred to as Colic) and reflux, so I took him to see a Craniosacral Therapist, who worked wonders energetically on him, and subsequently on me. This therapy went on to cure my PCOS and led me to conceive my second son naturally, two months after having a treatment where my ovaries literally “unwound”. It felt like an old-fashioned sewing machine unwinding, and I know this is what led to the natural conception.

Incidentally, I have recently discovered that PCOS and other fertility issues can be caused by sexual trauma, and being a victim of childhood sexual abuse myself, that inevitably created some major energetic and emotional blockages that adversely affected my fertility. The craniosacral therapy I underwent, after the birth of my first son, cleared enough of it to enable me to fall pregnant naturally with my second. But recent work with Lee (energetic and psychological) has now cleared it all and I am much more in tune with my regular cycle.

As a consequence of my own personal struggles and subsequent successes with fertility, I am acutely aware of how incredibly sensitive our bodies and menstrual cycles are, and how stress, fear, trauma, disappointment, desperation and even negative thoughts can adversely affect our fertility. Basically, our bodies can either be “in growth” or “in fear”, but not in-between. When we are in fear and stress, our reproductive system is one of the first to shut down.

Very little information was readily available to me when I was struggling with my fertility issues, so I went into IVF completely uneducated and unprepared. For example, I didn’t know that egg and sperm quality could be improved, let alone how to do it. Or that energetic healing could significantly improve fertility and support pregnancy. Since then, I have gathered so much information and gained so much knowledge on all the facets of the fertility puzzle.

Victoria Willis
Lee Bladon

Lee’s Personal Journey

My journey to this line of work began back in 1999, when I was anxious and unfulfilled. My life was actually very good by conventional standards… I was in a long-term relationship and I had just landed a great new job as the general manager of a company less than two years after graduating from university. Outwardly, I was successful and seemingly had it all. But inwardly, there was a nagging feeling that there must be more to life than this – something deeper, more meaningful and fulfilling than this superficial “success”.

So, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, personal development and spiritual growth. I spent about 10 years enthusiastically searching for that missing something in every psychological, spiritual and esoteric book I could lay my hands on. Unfortunately, it didn’t really help… I was still the same old me – anxious and unfulfilled. That’s when I realised I had to try something completely different, because my intellectual approach hadn’t brought me any more happiness or fulfilment. Simply filling my head with information, even amazing, mind-blowing information, didn’t change who I was. I mean, how could it? It was just information passively sitting there in my mind! How could that possibly change me or improve my quality of life?

That’s when the penny really dropped, and I knew I needed to take a more experiential approach if I really wanted to change myself and improve my life. For a while I became a bit of a course junkie – attending lots of workshop and training courses, as my search for “the holy grail” continued. Over the next few years I began to discover what worked and what didn’t. After making lots of progress myself, I realised I wanted to help other people to improve their lives too, so I practiced on friends and family, then started working with clients on a part-time basis.

In recent years, I have expanded my training to become a more complete therapist. My holistic approach to wellbeing involves every aspect of our being – body, energy, heart, mind and soul. I use a range of highly-effective traditional and complementary modalities for physical wellness, energetic balancing, emotional healing, mental health and spiritual wellbeing.

I have studied Transformational Life Coaching, Spiritual Counselling, Holistic Healing, the Diamond Approach, Internal Family Systems (parts-work), Hakomi, Psychosynthesis, BWRT (a rapid therapy) and Reiki Energy Healing, and I draw on all of them in my work.

I also have an empathic connection that allows me to sense energetic blockages in people. This allows me to feel into my client’s issues, and assist with their healing and transformation in ways most other therapists and healers can’t. It’s a natural ability that we all possess to some degree, but mine has become very sensitive through years of clearing and refining my own consciousness, and lots of practise with other people.

In addition to my therapy training, I have a degree in food science, and used to own a food supplement business, so I have a good knowledge of nutrition and supplements. On a personal level, I have experience of male factor infertility due to undescended testicles at birth, and remedial operations not being performed in time.

The Birth of FertilityTherapies.com

Victoria’s personal experience of fertility issues, polycystic ovaries, IVF, and sexual trauma means she knows first-hand exactly what you are going through. Her training as a Craniosacral Therapist, Energy Healer (Reiki) and Reflexologist / Reproflexologist, coupled with her passion for clean living, means she is perfectly qualified to help people to improve their fertility and increase their chances of conception.

Lee’s unique therapeutic skill set, including psychology, healing, wellbeing and nutrition, perfectly complement Victoria’s. We have a real synergy when working together, and our unique combination of first-hand experience and the perfect therapeutic skill set makes Fertility Therapy the obvious business venture for us both. We have a real passion for helping others, and what could be better than helping to bring new life into the world?

So, if you are struggling to get pregnant with “unexplained infertility”, or if you have a condition such as endometriosis or PCOS, we may be able to help you. Our holistic approach to fertility therapy focuses on healing, relaxing and rebalancing your whole system – body, energy, heart and mind. Every aspect of your health, wellbeing and lifestyle will be explored, and we have the knowledge, resources, abilities, skills and experience to help and support you on your fertility journey.

We believe we offer the most complete package of natural services that can help you to improve your fertility and chances of successfully conceiving, by balancing, cleansing and preparing your body and entire system in the best possible way.

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